• App User: Activation: 20 points, Royalty: 1 point/month/app user
• New Biz Bonus: 200 points, Royalty: 20 points/month/active biz
Only a limited number of Approved Ambassador's per territory. Ambassador must be approved to receive rewards. 20 points = $1.
App user - has used app in last 30 days. Does not include download month. Maximum 5000 users/month.
Active Biz - has posted offers during the month. Does not include download month.
Points only awarded for Ambassador territory; Months are Calendar months; Tracked using 'Referred By' code, location data, and offer redeem data as needed. Any fraudulent use will be adjusted accordingly, please don't cheat the system.
Ambassador must add at least 1 new user or business introduction each month - else 'ongoing' royalty points are forfeited for that month. After 6 months of no activity or communication your account and account history will be closed.